Our Editorial Process

Vanessa Sophie

Vanessa Sophie writer and Editor

The astrological consultant Vanessa Sophie operates from Calgary, Alberta Canada where she provides services as an astrologer and numerical expert and interpreter of angelic messages. Through her studies at the prestigious Canadian Institute of Metaphysical Studies she obtained her Diploma in Astrology and Angel Numbers to display her comprehensive pursuit of spiritual cosmic life influences.

Vanessa spends time guiding numerous individuals through their spiritual growing process after working at Level 52 Inc. and StellarCom Strategies and serving as an independent consultant. Through understanding celestial alignments and numerical patterns she helps people discover clarity while also helping them define their purpose and achieve life alignment.

As a trusted expert in astrology and numerology, Vanessa uses her compassionate approach and extensive knowledge to help others find their genuine potential by studying the force of the cosmos.

Ailith Johnson

Ailith Johnson Writer

Ailith Johnson is an experienced and qualifies CAP (Certified Astrological Professional), Kepler College, USA, expert of angel numbers, astrology, numerology and, Spiritual signals. Who has dedicated her time to explaining the secrets of the universe. Caring for other people, she reveals the meaning of angel numbers to help people transform and evolve. Ailith uses her expertise and her instinct to explain these spiritual ideas to anyone. Her work helps readers to be able to pray and find out the right spirtitual path. Thus, the main purpose of Ailith’s writings is to show people how to find a better way of living.